
B&S operates for the purpose of delivering returns through focusing on the acquisition, active management, development and subsequent sale of commercial and residential properties in the United Kingdom. B&S seek to achieve attractive equity returns using a combination of the following strategies:

  • Income maximisation – from maximising void space or under-rented accommodation.
  • Strategic Enhancement – by way of lease restructure, surrender and re-letting to a stronger covenant.
  • Planning Gain – achieving planning consent where either the footprint or the height of the building can be enhanced. These assets may be sold at the point of having the benefit of a planning approval.
  • Portfolio break-up – acquisition of assets as a portfolio then realising break-up gains.
  • Special Opportunities – such as distressed assets acquired at a discount to market value.
  • Development – realising returns through development of commercial and residential assets including PD conversion.

Why Us?

  • Expert Knowledge
  • Due Diligence
  • Family Offices
  • High Net Worth Individuals

What we are looking for

We are able to offer a variety of sub sectors with the real estate investment sector. Each with its own unique skill set, we have the team and the ability to create a rewarding investment experience all round.

Commercial Active – This would be a primarily commercial property transaction, occasionally with a residential element but not necessarily. The investment will generally be sought out by us owing to the fact that it has perhaps not had the attention it warrants and there is hidden value to be unlocked. This could be by way of lease restructuring, maximising income from void and occupied space, adding space, changing designated use classification and also providing for essential improvements to enhance the value and the yield from the property.

Commercial Income – Within this category, we would establish with our investor, their key drivers behind the investment decision and the quantum of investment. We would then advise, based on personal circumstance what we feel would be best suited, either maximising return or investing in capital growth. In both scenarios, we would be looking at assets with a healthy, stable income profile which would provide coverage for lending and other overheads and have some residual cashflow to provide a return on the capital employed.

Residential Development – Within our residential sector, we have focussed primarily on the small to medium sized development schemes (under 75 units) in order to steer clear of the larger housebuilders. This is a tactical decision since we demand a solid return on capital employed and in our experience the larger scale builds are less predictable and also operate on smaller margins. Our investment appetite extends from a basic conversion of houses right to a ground up development of a block of flats or houses. From the outset of any investment we will set out our targets and then consistently revisit these over the lifecycle of the project in order to ensure the best outcome. We are fully capable of moving our feet and adjusting our exit strategy to ensure that each deal is successful.

Residential Investment – We have a strong portfolio of residential investment properties under management and a dedicated team member to ensure the smooth operation of all sites. Sourcing, refurbishment and letting is all controlled by our experienced team and ultimately, we aim to maximise rental income from each unit. After attaining an understanding of your requirements, we would reach out to our network of agents to find a suitable investment property for you depending on your propensity toward wealth preservation or return.

Within each of these investment sectors we would co-invest, In order to explore your personal requirements further we suggest getting in touch with us and we will gladly arrange to spend some time with you and help you establish a framework for investment.

B&S Capital is the real estate arm of a large UK based family formed as an investment office in order to manage and oversee the diverse real estate exploits of the family. Formed and operated by Bharat Thakrar and Shivam Popat, the key drivers for this latest venture are to take their knowledge, experience and unique market placement exposure to wider market.

Following a long period of successful real estate based investment and management both Bharat and Shivam developed and nurtured a team of asset managers capable of delivering consistent results in a varying market place.

The natural progression from investment was to develop the platform to provide the same access to unique deals and returns for our investor base made up of friends and family. Over the past 5 years this offering has developed organically into a stable and formidable platform which could be opened up to a wider investor base.

Over the last 12 years the partners of B&S Capital have been involved in real estate investment transactions across the UK and Europe.

Over the period since 2005, B&S Capital has been involved in the acquisition, asset management, and as appropriate the realisation of 45 assets, with individual values from £5m to high value assets. The current gross IRR of these transactions is in excess of 30% p.a.

Our Commitment

To co-invest in all our deals with our investors to demonstrate our belief and commitment in the product and our ability. This separates us from other wealth managers since we are fully supportive of our deals.

Ultimately we want our investors to be part of our family, in co-investing we are removing the divide/differentiator between the investor and the manager and creating a mutually beneficial partnership.

Our Projects

Contact Us

Contact us on 01923 834 277.

If your enquiry is not urgent, please complete the electronic form and one of our colleagues will contact you as soon as possible.

Please provide as much detail as possible and advise us as to the best time to contact you.

B&S Capital
Argyle House,
Level 3,
Northwood Hills,
HA6 1NW.


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